Saturday, July 18, 2009

Ethan's 1st Birthday

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So, my little boy is actually one year old already! I was pretty sad the day before his birthday thinking that, if one year has already past I know he will be grown up before I know it. I love to watch him grow but still wish he could stay an innocent baby forever.

We celebrated at Chuck E Cheese with our wonderful family. It turned out to be quite a success. Everyone I invited came and more! Except my brother Norbert who was really sick with the flu.

Ethan thoroughly enjoyed himself, eating cake, looking at all the lights, and getting all the attention. I read in What To Expect The First Year that the first birthday should be quiet, small, with not too much going on. Well, I completely ignored that because I knew Ethan would do great, and wouldn't be scared of anything.

(Well, Chuck y did make him cry when he pushed his hand away from the lit candle on his birthday cake). Other than that I think he had a great time! I know I did.
His first glimpse of Chuck Y

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Baby # 2 is on the way

So, as you all probably already know. I am pregnant. again!!! I got the shock of my life when I found out that I was expecting and Ethan wasn't even five months old yet! wow. So, I went through a little bit of a rough time accepting the situation. I had to pray a lot for comfort and strength to endure everything. I really didn't plan to have another baby for a long while. I mean its not like we were trying at all, we were only together twice throughout a month and a half period.

Anyways, I am now 27 weeks pregnant and am very excited and happy about it. I am even happier that I am having a GIRL! I am such a girl y girl so I know we are gonna have tons of fun, and will be very close. I am gonna try my best to be the coolest, best mom ever. I plan on always being there for Ethan and her. I love being a mommy, and another plus is that they will be so close in age. I will be able to work and provide more for them while they are young. While they are in school I can work and start a career.

I have a few names I like. But am not gonna officially name her until I meet her.

Eva Esabella Bennett
Evelyn Elissa Bennett
Ella Evelyn Bennett

I am trying to stick with an E name because Ethan starts with an E. I cannot wait to have this baby to meet her, hold her, and enjoy every minute of it.

Ethan is almost one!

So, I have been a mommy for almost a year now. How the time flies. My little Juju Bee is the love of my life and I cant wait to get off work just to see his beautiful face everyday. He has quite the personality and loves to get into everything and pick up any crumb he sees off of the floor to eat it. He can stand for a few seconds on his own and wave bye bye. He loves to cruise along everything and loves to go "ahhhh" after taking a drink of anything, or everytime he sees me taking a drink. He also has 6 teeth now! Four on top and two on bottom. He is still the most random baby, some nights he wakes every 2-3 hours and some nights (like last night) sleeps for 7 and a half! That was a nice change for me. Motherhood has been quite the adventure. It can be so challenging and unnerving one minute then the next be so easy and relaxing. I feel like such a strong woman now, like I can accomplish anything. I wouldnt change it for anything in the world!

Okay, so a lot of my family has been saying that Ethan does not look like Chad or myself. But what they don't realize is that chad used to look a lot different when he was young. I think Ethan does resemble Chad. He doesn't look exactly like him but I can totally see chad when I look at him. I also think he looks like me too. I think he is a good mix of both of us. =) So, I put up this picture to get your opinions. What do you think?